Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Deco featuring Siedah Garrett (Fast Forward Soundtrack) - Curves (1985)

I used to work at a video store during the transition from VHS to DVD, and as a result we had a ton of older movies on VHS that were totally weird. We had a huge display of screens at the back of the store that we could play movies on for the customers to watch. Typically, I used these screen to play movies that no one would want to see, and as a joke I put this movie on one night, but ended up being completely blown away by the soundtrack and this track in particular. This has been on regular rotation ever since.

This is also where I first heard Siedah Garrett. Her performance here is unbelievable and lifetime memorable. I get this song stuck in my head in an instant. So much character, and those lyrics are the best! A good example of a sexual song that isn't embarrassingly racy. The innuendo is on point, like a good Seinfeld joke.

I can't remember every track that has synth bass in it. But I am kind of just going through the archives looking for tracks that do. You have no idea how pleased I am that this one is loaded with some choice synth bass.

What's a synth bass night without a few curves?

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